SiteCam Display Window

The SiteCam display window shows information about the SiteCam document.

Periodic Capture Active: The document is actively saving images or movies.
Periodic Capture Inactive: The document is not saving images.

Image Size: This displays the dimensions of the saved movie or image, as well as the depth in bits. It is recommended that you always set the WIDTH and HEIGHT tags of your HTML code with these values. In the above example, your HTML code would look like:
<IMG SRC="mydoc.mwc" WIDTH=640 HEIGHT=480>

or for single images that were uploaded, you could use:

<IMG SRC="mydoc.jpg" WIDTH=640 HEIGHT=480>

Format: QuickTime, JPEG [Quality], GIF, PICT

Interval: How often a movie or image will be saved, as defined in the Interval settings.

History: How many images will be saved, as defined in the Destination settings.

Directory: This indicates the base directory of all images. In archive mode, it is the last created directory.

File Name: The base file name. Image ID's may be added. In archive mode, it is the last saved file name.

Files Saved: The number of images or movies saved since periodic capture was started.

Next: When the next image will be saved.

Last: When the last image was taken.

Time/Size: The time it took to save the last file. In brackets, the size in bytes.

AS Errors: This displays the number of pre- and post-process AppleScript errors.

HTTP: Indicates the number of pushed video images and the number of CGI accesses.

FTP: Indicates the last FTP error/success message, "Ready" means that no images have been FTP'd, but the FTP settings is on. "Not in use" means that the FTP settings are turned off.

FTP Stats:
Ok: number of successfully transferred images
Skip: Number of images skipped because an FTP transfer was already in progress.
Bad: X, Y; First number is the total FTP transfers that failed due to a server or I/O error. The second number is the number of FTP transfers that were killed due to prolonged inactivity.

Note: The Preview Window shows how the video will look.